16.2 hands. He last worked in March of 2023 and was retired with a suspensory issue. He is currently sound. He is currently on full paddock turnout with other geldings and does well. He does have some arthritis in his left stifle.
Denny is such a character! He loves attention and will call to you the minute you enter the barn. He’s a hat thief, a pickpocket, and always think he needs a fresh flake of hay. Denny can get nippy during play, so engaging with boundaries is important, but he is always good natured. Denny enjoys being groomed with soft curries and brushes, and walks respectfully on a lead rope.
Denny does very well in the field with other geldings – he does play rough, but is not aggressive and he has never been the herd leader.
Denny enjoys being ridden and tries very hard. He is willing to walk, trot and canter both directions, but his stifle arthritis makes cantering less comfortable and he sometimes will give a very small buck going into the canter. Denny’s pace is moderate at all gaits, but he needs to work on sensitivity to cues for downward transitions and turning. Less is more with Denny – he becomes very in-tune and sensitive if you work quietly on one skill at a time – walk-halt-walk-halt, or serpentines at the walk steering from the seat. He responds very well to praise and a calm approach.
Denny will be best suited for non-speed, flat disciplines. With stifle injections, he could be suitable for dressage and low level jumping.
Denny is a pleasure to have in the barn and will make a great partner for his new adopter!
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