Your Financial Support Will Help Second Stride Grow!
- Make a first-time donation or increase your giving: Donate Now
- Donate appreciated securities (stock, bonds, mutual funds) to make an even bigger impact. Contact Amy Eirich ( to learn how.
- Donate a retiring thoroughbred or pledge a portion of your horse’s earnings to Second Stride.
- Consider Second Stride in your estate and for other planned giving opportunities.
Get Involved!
- Follow us on social media (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok).
- Take a private tour! Contact us at to schedule.
- Volunteer your time and talents to help with our events and community outreach. Contact us at for volunteer opportunities.
Memorial Gifts
Since late 2021, many loving gifts have been made in honor of these special individuals:
- Mary Elizabeth Roos
- Kenneth Schmitt
- Robert B. Connelly